Goal: Level all blocks. The game is over when all blocks are on the ground. If you do it in the best way possible, they turn green. Otherwise, the blocks will turn red. 

Click [Parse] to (re)load the problem entered in the text box. The first line is the number of columns, and can be left out. The second (or only) line specifies the height of each column in order.

Click [Random] to generate a random instance. The text box will be updated to contain the random problem instance's description. You can restart by clicking [Parse].

Controls are in the top right. Move counter is in the top left. There is no undo, but you can click [Parse] to start again.

Try not to parse too large examples (> 100 blocks). The game may freeze or crash. And it's running in your browser after all, so it's your loss.


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oh cholela cheto freddy fazbar